Interacting with Members

For each user that has logged in through their Open Humans account you will get an object of the OpenHumansMember class, allowing you to interact with them through the Open Humans API & platform. Below are some examples of how you can use this app to interact with your Open Humans members.

More information can be found in the section.

Accessing an OpenHumansMember object

Each OpenHumansMember object is associated with a regular Django User object. Through the Django shell this looks like this:

./ shell
In [1]: from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

In [2]: User = get_user_model()

In [3]: single_user = User.objects.all()[0] # get a single user

In [4]: print(single_user.openhumansmember)

Due to this you can also easily access each OpenHumansMember inside your views from the request object:
def my_view(request):
  open_humans_member = request.user.openhumansmember

Accessing files for an OpenHumansMember object

The OpenHumansMember objects have a class method to list and access the files for them:

./ shell
In [1]: from openhumans.models import OpenHumansMember

In [2]: oh_member = OpenHumansMember.objects.all()[0]

In [3]: print(oh_member.list_files())
[{'id': 1234, 'basename': 'my_file.json', 'created': '2018-11-23T17:28:49.114250Z', 'download_url': '', 'metadata': {'tags': ['json', 'data', 'foo'], 'description': 'an example file'}, 'source': 'direct-sharing-1337'}]

The OpenHumansMember.list_files() function returns a list of dictionaries, containing metadata for the files available as well as the download link for each file.

Deleting files for an OpenHumansMember object

The OpenHumansMember objects have two class methods to delete individual files or multiple files: OpenHumansMember.delete_all_files() and OpenHumansMember.delete_single_file().

Warning: If you use the filename to decide which files to delete with the ``delete_single_file`` function it will delete all files with a given name if there is more than one!

./ shell
In [1]: from openhumans.models import OpenHumansMember

In [2]: oh_member = OpenHumansMember.objects.all()[0]

### Delete a single file by file-ID (see accessing files)

In [3]: oh_member.delete_single_file(file_id=1234)

### Delete one or multiple files by file-name.

In [4]: oh_member.delete_single_file(file_basename='my_file.json')

### Delete all files of a member

In [5]: oh_member.delete_all_files()

Uploading files for an OpenHumansMember object

To upload files you can use the OpenHumansMember.upload() function. For this you will have to provide an open stream (text or binary), a file name that should be used and some meta data.
def upload_file(request):
  oh_member = request.user.openhumansmember

  with open('example_file.json', 'r') as f:
      metadata = {'description': 'foo', 'tags': ['test', 'example']}